SimpleWater - Hackfor
20/20 vision

Blurred cloudy or foggy vision add a pinch of this delicious ingredient to a glass of water before bed.
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Blurred cloudy or foggy vision add a pinch of this delicious ingredient to a glass of water before bed

Every human has around 106 million cells in their eyes these cells collect light signals and send them to our brains where they're decoded in a way that allows us to see these cells naturally deteriorate as we age

But in 2007 Harvard and Cambridge University scientists came together and discovered a Nobel prize-winning way to regenerate them a strange nighttime ritual that can bring back the god-given 2020 Vision you were born with.

This strange ritual doesn't require eye drops surgery or expensive laser treatments and can work no matter if you've had declining vision for two months two years or two decades

It's so effective it was recently featured by multiple news outlets including NBC, Fox News and ABC